Hey guys! Long time no blog, things are crazy as we prepare for the upcoming Pattern Anthology collection, which means this week I will be sewing kid clothes all. week. long! Which is perfect because it is Kid Clothes Week again! If you haven’t ever participated, the challenge is to sew kid clothes for 1 hour each day this week.
In celebration of Kid Clothes Week, all see kate sew clothing patterns are 20% off this week and the Zig Zag dress is going on FLASH SALE for $5 all week long(with code)! The code for this sale is KCW20. I think this is my second sale ever, so I hope you find something you like!
I have a few tutorials in the works and am also hoping to publish my birth story soon (uh….finally, my baby is only six months old!) so stay tuned for those! I hope you’re having a great summer!