This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Fruttare, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia
I’ve been hoarding this pretty floral oilcloth for about 6 months now. I didn’t buy it with a project in mind at all, I just bought it because it’s so pretty! When popsicle season started I thought it would be nice to have some wipeable placemats that we can use outside or inside even.
Placemats are seriously easy to make, they are a simple rectangle. I used interfacing to give them some extra stiffness and then lined the back with basic cotton. Oilcloth can be tricky to work with but I avoided most of the problems by sewing the fabric to the back after finishing the edges. I love that these are wipeable, washable and really bright and pretty! The floral fabric really makes this project but you can really use any colors that you want.
We tried the new Fruttare popsicle bars. Popsicle season is in full swing and I can’t get enough. These have real milk in them and they. are. delicious. This is kinda embarrassing but I had to go to Kroger three times to buy these for this post. The first time I got strawberry and my husband and kids opened them without knowing I needed photos first. I ate the last one, I deserved it, after all. The second time I got coconut and those didn’t last long. Whoops. So finally, I got both strawberry and coconut and they lasted long enough for these photos but I don’t think they will last through the day, hah! They are pretty creamy and just really good. There are ten flavors total, I’d really like to try Peach + Milk and Black Cherry.
For a limited time only when you purchase one Fruttare item you can redeem a $4 music award! Click the coupon here from now until July 31. Awesome! (While supplies last!)
Before sewing these, read this post about making your own oilcloth which includes some tips about sewing with it!
DIY oilcloth placemats //
-fusible interfacing
Cut 1 rectangle from the oilcloth(14″ by 10″), 1 from the interfacing(15″ by 11″) and 1 from the cotton(15″ by 11″).
Fuse the interfacing to the cotton. Press under 1/2″ on all sides of cotton.
Lay cotton down on oilcloth with wrong sides together and sides pressed under. Use clips to hold them together. Sew around the edges at 1/4″.
How pretty! Never have thought about doing something like this!
Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Something is wrong with Bloglovin’ and your site. I am following you, but haven’t gotten any new posts in my Bloglovin’ for a week or so. I tried unfollowing and following again, but that didn’t work either. Just an FYI. At least I’m still updated through FB until it works again.
Oops. I was looking in the wrong category. All is well!
I’m having trouble following the last of your directions. Are you supposed to sew oilcloth to cotton right sides together and flip? Or what is the purpose of leaving the 2-3 inch gap when sewing the edge (if it is wrong sides together as in the direction)
Thanks for pointing that out! I fixed it, sometimes I write the tutorial before finding the best method :)
Lovely! Do you have a specific place you buy your oilcloth? I’ve never seen any this pretty!
We have a huge selection of oilcloth, perfect for placemats and tablecloths at the oilcloth experts!
OMGOODNESS!!! That fabric is perfect.. please tell me where i can find it !! :)