Yes, you read that right! ONE HOUR triangle quilt! I made this triangle quilt in a little over an hour. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??, you ask. Read on.
I really really love my original pink ombre triangle quilt. And it is also one of those tutorials that lots of you have loved also and made quilts from. That warms my heart, by the way. I really love seeing them!
We use ours daily, it was my daughter’s special baby quilt that I made for her before she was born. It’s been puked on, pooped on, spit on, snuggled with, washed, washed, washed and carted all over the place. It’s still as good as new though. We have just really loved it.
(Yesterday I finally shared a follow-up post on getting sharp triangles with a new pattern piece, in case you missed that!)
So, I wanted to make it even easier to make your very own triangle quilt, just in case you are intimidated by piecing and sewing a quilt. Or, in case you just don’t have the time!
Here’s the big secret: I designed a special Spoonflower fabric that has FULL SIZE triangles! Yes, you just buy 2 yards, cut it up a little, sew on a backing, bind it up and VIOLA—a triangle “quilt”! So literally, after you wait a few days for your fabric, it will take you 1 hour to sew. With me?
I am not sure that it is really a “quilt” since it isn’t pieced. It is really just be a “quilted blanket” but, technicalities aside, I assure you it has ALL the love and thrill of a normal triangle quilt sewn into it. Plus, the points are all perfect and the lines are all straight. No guesswork here!
I used metallic gold bias tape to bind it, fun right?! And I added one of my new little labels (more on these later).
Let’s make one!
Here’s the rundown on Spoonflower fabric, if you’ve never tried it. You can purchase any amount in yards. You can print your own fabric, so I created this design and had them ship it to me and then I made the design available for anyone. You can get as many yards as you want, or as little as a swatch or fat quarter. It’s really fun!
Triangle Quilt Supplies
-2 yards Triangle Print Fabric, available at Spoonflower
-2 yards backing material, any color cotton
–needled batting
-2 packages 1/2″ double fold bias tape (or make your own binding)
-thread to match backing and bias tape
–Spray baste*
- My gold binding is 1/2″ polyester bias tape. It is Wright’s Brand in gold lame. Don’t iron this :)
- I used basic combed cotton for the Spoonflower fabric base. Others will work, but the measurements may vary.
*It was my first time using spray basting. Changed my life. Thumbs up!
Quilt Cloth Sewing Instructions
Here is a break-down of the 1 hour you will spend sewing:
15 minutes : Lay out fabric, cut to size and baste.
30 minutes: Quilt layers together
15 minutes: Machine bind quilt.
First, lay the fabric out and cut it at 53.5″. This quilt is a crib quilt measuring about 54″ by 42″. The width is 42″ and the length will be 72″ if you buy 2 yards. So you just trim a little bit off.
This should slice one column of triangles directly in half.
Use spray baste to stick the triangle fabric to batting. Spray it on and smooth it out.
Spray baste the backing fabric to the other side of the batting. Then trim the quilt edges.
Now quilt it by sewing in between all the triangles. It will create a triangle pattern on the back and disguise your plain printed fabric as a quilt! Bind the quilt with any 1/2″ bias tape (or create your own binding with fabric.)
Once your blanket is quilted, it really looks like a quilt!
More triangle quilt posts:
-The Original Triangle Quilt Pattern
-Sharp Triangle Point Tutorial
Love quilting? Join Pattern of the Month and get a new modern quilt pattern emailed to you EVERY SINGLE MONTH!
This is perfection.
Sneaky sneaky! which is just my style! love it!
Yes, this is a quilt. “Quilting” is the stitching that holds the so-called sandwich layers together, and technically has nothing to do with how the top is constructed. What you’ve made is called a wholecloth quilt. The oldest quilts that exist are wholecloth.
Fabric printed to look like piecework–like the one you designed– is called cheater cloth, and showed up in the fabric world in the mid 1800’s. Cheater cloth is a great way to get a pieced look in a very short time, and we need to give it a new, more positive name, I think!
That is pure genius!
Will you be adding any more colors? I love this idea! But I have a little boy on the way. If you’re looking for ideas, crushing on the combo navy and lime green!
Oh my…. love love looooooove.
But I’m also wondering if you might design other colourways!
I don’t know the sex of my baby so have decorated in mint and grey….
Pretty pleaease!
I second this! I was going to come ask if there was a possibility you’d be designing a triangle fabric in boyish colors… just so happens navy and lime are two of our nursery colors (along with orange!)
Yes! Next week :)
Please say you’ll add the pink ombré with black. I’m soooo in love with that one!!!!
Spray basting adhesive! It’s like clouds just parted and the sun is finally shining! Genius!
Hahaha funny! Great fabric, great idea.
Too cute!! And I am talking about that little cutie in the handband, what a babe….I also like the quilt,,,fast,easy, quick, just my kind of quilt…Thanks for the info…..
I’ve been waiting for the deets since I saw your post on IG earlier this week! This is such a brilliant idea (not to mention – gorgeous!).
Where did you order the gold binding? I’m crazy about how it looks and am working on a quilt I think it would look great on! Would love to order some.
Thanks for sharing this!!
Now that is clever! I never would have guessed it wasn’t pieced. It looks fantastic, and the gold binding is so fun!
This is fantastic, please let us know if you make any boy colours in this fabric :D
Wow, so awesome! I’m nowhere near patient enough to sew quilts, but this looks like something I could actually do!!
This is great!
I second the request for boy colors, please!!!
Is there any way that you could make a boy color story? I have a nephew on the way and this is exactly my kind of quilting. Such a fabulous idea!!
So smart!
i love these!!! Would you be okay with me selling these types of quilts in an etsy shop???
oooo I was wondering if that was spoonflower fabric!! I LOVE this idea!! pinned so I an design my own like this soon!
It’s definitely still a quilt, just a ‘wholecloth’ quilt. It’s awesome! Great idea!
This is so genius! I tried to make a cheater quilt but it’s taking so long with the fabric I picked out…this is too easy and cute! Thank you!
Hi this is adorable and I can’t wait to start- I was on your spoonflower page to but the fabric but there is no other color combo. Any chance you could add a ‘boy’ color scheme in the one hour triangle? Thanks again!!
Genius! I love this idea! And have made lots of ‘quilted blankets’ in the past. Triangles look AMAZING though so I’m off to Spoonflower! :) Cheers! x
what a fun project :) I never really liked the look of traditional quilts, but this one is fresh and modern. Good job!
Wow, so pretty! I might just have to try this! The only reason I don”t quilt is because I don’t have the patience for putting all the little pieces together. This is awesome!
Divertido y muy bonito . Me encanta los colores
Hey there!
What fabric from spoonflower did you choose for this quilt?
What a GENIUS idea!! I’ve never thought I had the patience to make a complete quilt – this could be the only way I’ll ever succeed! :) the colours are completely perfect and the gold is to die for!! Beautiful! !
You’re a genius! Love this!!
This is so perfect! I’d never guess it wasn’t pieced. But also, when is your own basics line coming out?!!! You have perfect basics- the colors, those pluses, those stripes, those dots! I love it all except for the spoon flower price :/
How does this wash? Do you need to dry clean it so the batting won’t bundle up or can you wash and dry it in your own machines?
My Spoonflower order just arrived and I trekked down to the fabric store to pick out a backing, but just not satisfied. Could you tell me what your backing fabric was, I love that color.
Oh my gosh. This is BRILLIANT! Thanks for sharing. :)