It’s my birthday and it’s a big one! In celebration I thought I’d share 3o things you might not know about me! Hopefully this will make up for my non-existent about page for a while ;) And I needed an excuse to buy 3-0 balloons. 30 just calls for balloons, right?!
Outfit details //
Top: Aquarius Top with Riley Blake Love Story Knit
Shoes: Modcloth
Lips: Revlon UltraMatte
This is the long sleeve version of the Aquarius Top with a shirttail hem and ruffle sleeve accent. I love this sleeve/hem combination so much, I’ve made a handful of long sleeve versions so far but this is the first I did with the shirttail. It’s perfect for winter and the hem is long enough to wear with leggings. The sleeves on this are just a tad long to make it cozy!
30 for 30! //
- My favorite food growing up was always strawberries. My mom would make little dixie cups full of cut strawberries topped with whipped cream for me to take to school instead of cupcakes.
2. I’ve always been creative, it was born with it. My parents are both artists and I see the same traits in my kids! (In the form of concealer makeup on my cabinets and marker on my floors!) Genes run deep and I try to just let my kids create as they please. For the most part, I mean, and how do you get concealer off of kitchen cabinets?
3. I wear glasses. But I never actually wear them! They’re cute though!
4. I’ve recently developed a hardcore shoe obsession. I know where it came from. And I don’t know how to stop it!?
5. I also love hats.
6. I’ve played so many musical instruments: violin, piano, flute, piccolo, piano again and guitar. I suck at them all because I never practiced or stuck with any one.
7. I think it’s totally silly that I post photos of myself all over this blog, but I also simultaneously love it. Hah!
8. I feel like 30 will be my year of quilting! I also hope it involves more travel and shoes.
9. My favorite places to shop are Sephora, Target, Ikea, Nordstrom, Urban Outfitters, and all the fabric stores.
10. I’m currently putting finishing touches on my kitchen, I’m excited to share. We didn’t do much demo, but we did do a new sink, painted the cabinets, knobs and counters!
11. I have 2 fabric lines in the works and AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THEM.
12. I’m not convinced my sewing room with ever be organized, but it won’t stop me from trying.
13. I am really proud of my book and I’m so glad I wrote but probably won’t write another.
14. I love reading with my kids. Captain Underpants is silly but I read it anyways in the name of making sure my kids love to read. Last summer we read Harry Potter and I’m excited to start getting into more classics.
15. I have a really hard time reading fiction since college but devour non-fiction. I love self-help/business/psychology books. I’m really trying to get back into fiction though!
16. I ran a marathon once.
17. I’ve had braces 3 times and 4 mouth surgeries for various reasons. SO FUN.
18. I dropped out of grad school after 1 semester and 1 day. I went back to school 12 days after having my first baby, went home and cried, quit the next day and never turned back. It was one of my best decisions.
19. I met my husband through tennis lessons in college. They cost me $27 but now I get free lessons for life!
20. My first concert was N*SYNC and my last was the Spice Girls Reunion Tour. But in-between I went to a LOT of punk/indie shows.
21. My favorite color is either pink or purple. I gave up on trying to decide. My daughter says her favorite is all of them! And I might adopt that answer!
22. I love red lipstick, roses and apples, but generally dislike the color red.
23. I LOVE MY PLANNER and can’t function if I lose it.
24. My idols are Victoria Beckham, Kate Spade, and whoever invented rayon.
25. I’ve always loved photography, but never thought it would be such a big part of my job.
26. I’m 5’7″ or maybe 5′ 6.75″ hah. But I always round up. ;)
27. I always have more ideas than time so I constantly feel behind.
28. Sometimes when I tuck away in my sewing room to “work” I really just watch Netflix.
29. I love puns. You might know that hah!
30. I hate talking about myself, so that was hard! Whew!
Lucy-Ann Adam
Sounds like you are living life to the fullest! Enjoy every moment! It is crazy how fast it goes! I’m 55, retired, and have never sewed so much in my whole life! It’s brilliant!
I loved reading all about you Kate …… thanks for the chuckles :)