Heat set pleated fabric is one of my favorite things in high fashion. They can also be found in consumer fashion (chiffon pleated skirts are so IN right now!) and there is also tons of it at thrift stores!
Heat set pleats are made by basically pressing fabric at high heat into pleats. It’s pleated at such high heat that the pleats will stay unless heated to that temperature or above again. But it’s so high not even your dryer can reach it. The pleats will stay pleated through washing, hot weather and humidity. Heat set pleats can be found all over the place with lightweight fabric.
Have you ever worked with heat set pleated fabric?
Thanks to Brooke for modeling! (Not my daughter, but I know..she’s cute!)
Hi, Kate
What a lovely dress and I just love the fabric as well. Enjoyed stopping by your lovely blog. Have a great week.
Brooke loves this dress! She proudly tells everyone that it’s a Kate Blocker. So grecian.
that would be a cute baptism dress.
i agree :-)
Kate, do you have any suggestion as to how I should iron a chiffon pleated skirt? Mine got all wrinkled in my suitcase and don’t know how to get them out!
Steam! in a steamy shower bathroom they should drop out
What a great design for a dress. Looks great :)
now this is a really beautiful pleated dress!!! this cute little girl looks like a wonderful princess!! :D
Your blog is making me want to go get a sewing machine sooner than later! Love your stuff- it all looks amazing! Any suggestions on a good model that will take me far?
Do you know where I could find some of that fabric awesomeness? I’m not seeing it on fabric.com.
I have just bought a fabulous dropped hem dress in chiffon pleated deep blue, I love it so much and I’m wearing it with gold sling backs and gold jewellery for a wedding this coming saturday…. However as mentioned above it is creased slightly and I don’t dare Iron it incase of ruining the pleats… I am going to try putting it in the bathroom when running a bath tonight, fingers crossed it works :-)
Hi Kate,
My wedding dress is chiffon with pleats- it wrinkled during shipping and I’m so nervous and have no idea how to get the wrinkles out- what do you suggest?
Hi Kate,
My wedding dress is chiffon with pleats and during shipping it wrinkled pretty badly- any suggestions on how to remove the wrinkles without losing the pleats?? I’m so nervous!
You can iron them, just make sure you iron for the right setting of the fabric. The heat set pleats are set at a REALLY high temperature that the iron can’t compete with, so they will be fine! Good luck!! (Or if you’re nervous, just take it to a dry cleaner!)