These handy little card sets come in 5 versions, women’s, plus size, men’s, infant-6 and children’s 7+!
The fronts feature cute little diagrams with length and style of what you’re making, in this case pants:
The best part about these cards is that they are accurate! And so detailed! These aren’t just guesses, the numbers where calculated by inputting thousands of yardages from patterns into a spreadsheet and coming up with percentages and blah blah blah! A ton of work!! But it’s all been done for you at a great price, too!
My favorite part is that at the bottom it will tell you how many patterns by percentage will work for the yardage you get. So if you find a beautiful wool fabric and you want to make a skirt, but a really full skirt, you can get the highest yardage and be sure it will work for 97% of patterns! Amazing!
Go check out Gwyn Hug! These would make a perfect stocking stuffer for, say, YOU!
Mama Fry
Love this gadget. I need one.
Gwen @ The Bold Abode
That is so crazy! Whoda thunk it?
Nice idea :)
Simple Simon & Co
What an awesome idea!!! I totally want one!
Creative Homemaker
I am going to have to forward this post to my husband for a stocking stuffer idea. Thanks :)
I would use this all the time. I think this has to go on my Christmas wishlist!