I have a foot fetish apparently. Not the weird kind, the sewing machine foot kind. This is my recent addition: the binding foot ! It is amazing.
You can use this foot to attach bias tape and quilt binding. It’s pretty useful because it lines up the needle right where you want it and you get a straight, perfect stitch! My favorite part is you don’t have to pin the binding all the way around whatever you’re sewing before you attach it. You just feed it into the binding foot as you feed the fabric in and voila!
You can use it for binding up to an inch wide. The measurements are in mm. Just adjust the screw on the right side for smaller tape.
First, feed your bias tape into the mechanism. There are two little plastic tabs, noted above, to hold the binding tape edges.
The plastic pieces are pliable, so you can slip your fabric in between them. That will make a bias tape sandwich, with fabric in the middle. Mmm..
Then attach the foot to your machine and align the needle where you want it. You can place it really close to the edge of the binding foot or in a little bit.
Start sewing! As you sew, you’ll just keep feeding the fabric into the bias tape as you go. The presser foot will make sure it stays there as you sew.
If you look closely you can see how nice and even the stitch it, with no effort!
Binding just got a whole lot easier! It even takes curves really well. Thank you binding foot .
What’s your favorite thing to put binding on? I love the extra pop of color or pattern it can add to well, anything!
This looks pretty nifty. Two questions- how do you find it handles the back side – do you ever find out it missed the back side of the binding? And also how do you handle corners? can you still mitre them? Thank you!
cool! I didn’t know they made such a thing for home machines. I’ll have to see if I can buy one. :)
Have Mercy. I’m Googling it right now :) What kind of machine do you have? I have an industrial for most of my sewing, but I recently got a Janome DC2012. It came with a lot of feet, but not this one!! Thanks for sharing :)
You are a sewing foot genius! I am getting the binding foot asap! How did I ever live without it?
That looks so neat! I didn’t even know those existed, thank you for the post.
Wow this is really amazing!!! So cool! Doing this by hand always rotates it or messes it up, this looks so easy…
How cool is that?!
WHAT?!!?!? I am heading in RIGHT NOW to scrounge through my box of attachments to see if I have one of those! I had no idea! You have changed binding for me today, Kate!! Can you get it to work around teeny little armholes and such??
Um what?! I need that foot too!!
Completely brilliant!! I need one!
This is life changing haha, I never knew if that hint worked! Christmas list!
I am using the Bernina Binder Attachment right now! I LOVE it!!!
i havent seen this foot earlier :O omg but it is a really great thing, so much usefull and you spend less time on sewing..!!
I have an old Bernina. This type of foot will probably cost me the rest of the leg and an arm! But I am definitely impressed with your knowledge of sewing machine feet! Thanks!
holy heck, thats awesome!
I totally have that foot…and have never used it. (Shame, shame)
Thanks for sharing how easy it is!
I clearly need one of these.
THANK YOU! You’ve opened a whole new arena of sewing for me!!
Thank you! I never ever imagined such a tool existed. You’ve opened a door to wonderful things yet to come! THANK YOU AGAIN..
Thanks to this post, I just bought one! Can’t wait to use it. TQ
Can’t believe I didn’t know about this! Hoorary! Now I have to add this to my Amazon cart, along with an invisible zipper foot!
Thank you thankyou!!
Your tutorial was excellent. I am really struggling with corners though, especially when i have two pieces of fabric, even if i baste them together first. The fabric and bias tape will not turn the corner without the fabric coming out or the neddle running off the tape!
Is there any tutorials you know of, for this particular foot or do you have any tips.
I really want to make a blanket with curved corners!
Oh no! The only thing I can think of is to move the needle in a bit so it doesn’t run off. Or maybe zigzag or serge the two layers together before you put the binding on? I didn’t have this problem, but good luck!