That is the face of a girl realizing her buttons are KITTY CATS!! Today’s dress is the Zig Zag Dress pattern made in a plaid linen grid fabric. I love how preppy the look is (maybe partially due to the fake glasses!) but plaid and pleats always give me preppy vibes! The bodice is curved on this dress giving it a really cute swing. I always love pinning pleats so this one is a fun sew!
Other details I love are the elastic sleeves, big buttons and facing on the inside! I made a big matching bow (why not!) and love this outfit! This fabric is Essex Yarn Dyed Classic in Nautical – it’s a super nice quality linen. I love linen, especially for summer! I was going to use this fabric for myself, so mom points for being selfless with my fabric stash! (hahaha!) I made a big bow to go with the outfit and think it looks super cute with knee high socks.
–Knee Socks
–Rifle Paper Co Shoes
–Kitty Cat buttons
Check out yesterday’s post featuring the Olivia Dress and stay tuned for more to come!