Before I blogged, I made this knockoff dress. I saw the original on etsy for about $300 and thought it would be fun to try and tackle the project. I’d just taken a patternmaking class and was pretty confident. So I did it!
(worn with the short dress fixer slip)
inspiration (no longer for sale)
The hardest part was figuring out how to do the circular pleated insets. I’ll show you how to do it tomorrow!
Thanks for checking out my very first knock-off!
Very cute! I love the pleats ( I have so been enjoying this week), I love the little under skirt too. Doing knock-off is new to me, but I’ve knocked off my daughter’s entire spring wardrobe this year. It’s save a ton of money, she feels cute, and it’s been fun for me.
Ooh that’s pretty! I can’t wait to learn how to do it tomorrow!
daaaang kate. You amaze me every time :o)
SO cute!! Love this technique! Would be cute on a purse too!!!
totally remember this, it wasn’t that long after you got married right?
Os there anything you can’t do? Hugs and blessings, Cindy
You did an awesome job on your 1st knockoff project. Congratulations! I absolutely love it and look forward to the tutorial tomorrow.
This is awesome! I can’t wait for your tutorial. I love cool “pattern magic” things like this!