1 yard quilter’s cotton
2 d-rings
14″ boning
Cut fabric into these sizes:
Piece #1: 38″ by 28″
Piece #2: 38″ by 4″
Piece #3: 38″ by 4″
Piece #4: 24″ by 4″
Piece #5: 10″ by 4″
1. Ruffle
Sew pieces 2 and 3 together on the short edge, right sides together so you have a approximately strip 4″ by 72″. Press seam open.
Serge one long edge then fold that edge under 1/2″ and press. Stitch in place.
Fold under 1/2″ on short edge and press. Fold under again and stitch in place. Repeat for other edge.
Baste top edge of the ruffle and gather. The top of the ruffle should be 36″ but you can adjust it later, when you pin it to the cover. Set the ruffle aside for now.
2. Straps
Pieces 4 and 5 will become the nursing cover’s straps.
Fold them along the long edge, right sides together and press.
Sew down the long edge, creating a tube. Turn inside out and press with the seam running down the middle.
Edgestitch the long edges at 1/8″. On the longer strap, fold under one end 1/2″ and press. Fold under again and stitch in place.
Fold the small strap in half and insert D-rings as shown in the photo below.
Stitch as close to the D-rings as possible.
Set straps aside for now.
3. Assemble nursing cover
The top edge is the tricky part. Fold under 1/2″ and press. Fold under again. Insert boning in the folds, centering it on the nursing cover.
Pin in place (this is hard because you’ll be pinning through plastic, but doable!). The pin straps in place next to the boning.
Stitch the boning and straps in place by stitching along the top edge of the nursing cover at 1/8″ and 1/2″. You’ll have two lines of stitching. (Don’t worry the boning is allowed to go through the sewing machine, it won’t hurt it!)
Next, finish the sides. Fold under 1/2″ and press. Repeat and stitch in place.
Finally, attach the ruffle. Pin the ruffle to the bottom of the nursing cover, right sides together.
Start pinning on the edges and come into the middle, adjusting the gather as necessary. Sew in place and remove baste stitching.
Serge seam.
It kinda looks like an apron!
Thanks for reading!
(fabric used: 1 yard Amy Butler Midwest Modern II Honeycomb Grey)
Beautiful! I like that ruffle!
Your newest follower from MSM!! Great tute :)
Love the ruffle, great idea! Happy Fabric Tuesday to you :)
Love the ruffle! Definitely girly! Thanks for sharing.
Love it!!! I just made a nursing cover, and now wish I had seen this earlier! Thanks for sharing. I just started a link party on Wednesdays and would love for you to share this!
Beautiful fabric and I love the ruffly touch.
Super cute! I love that you added ruffles to it. I’m gonna have to start making these!
Love it lots! Especially the ruffle! Thanks for linking up to Quiltstory!
I love this. I make nursing covers all the time and I’ve been wanting to spruce them up a bit. Ruffles will be the perfect addition. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing, I’ll definitely be making this! I’m your newest follower, stopping by from Tatertots & Jello!
Very well done! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!
Thanks for sharing! This is such a great project and I love the ruffle :)
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So glad I stumbled across this blog. I’ve been looking for some great projects to do on my sewing machine. Not to mention I have a huge duffel bag full of fab fabrics.
Adorable! I love the ruffle … it gives the bottom some appeal, rather than just a flat fabric. Cute!
I’ve made two of these now. Thanks for sharing!
I’ve kind of thought these would be easy to make, but it’s so nice to have instructions.:) I’m a new follower from Making Monday:)
Thanks so much for this tutorial! I no longer have nursing kids, but I just had to make one anyway! I gave it to a friend, and she loves it, as did all the other moms in our tuesday morning group! I posted some pictures if you’re interested: