Here’s a close up of my book shelf from my sewing room tour. I have a little collection growing. The only thing better than a crisp new book is a crisp new sewing book!
The books on the shelf:
Left side, top to bottom:
1 handmade book
2 Craft, Inc.
3 Fashion Sewing For Everyone
4 Handmade Beginnings
5 Wee Wonderfuls
6 Bend-the-Rules Sewing
7 Bend the Rules with Fabric
8 Lotta Jansdotter’s Simple Sewing for Baby
9 Lotta Jansdotter’s Simple Sewing
10 Fashion Illustrator
11 Doodle Stitching
12 Fitting and Pattern Alteration
right side, top to bottom:
1 Graphically Speaking
2 Amy Butler’s Little Stitches for Little Ones
3 The New Complete Guide to Sewing
4 Inspiration File (my prehistoric Pinterest)
5 Editing by Design
6 The Art of Fashion Draping
7 Patternmaking for Fashion Design
I have a sewing + design book weakness! Do you have a favorite that’s not on the list?
I don’t have any sewing books but would love to get one! What would you recommend as a really good sewing book starter?
I have the Vogue Sewing Book, which I picked up for a dime at a Rummage Sale, that I refer to quite a bit. I check out lots of books from the library. For the above commenter, that is what I would do before buying (if buying brand new of course, if its a dime, pick up as many as you can!). Many of the pattern books can be checked out from the library as well.
Here is a post about my 3 recommendations for beginners:
Here are some great sewing books I’ve come across…
Meet me at mikes by Pip Lincolne (very cute and includes patterns!!)
The crafty minx by Kelly Doust (Crafty as well as sewing projects)
Softies: 22 friends to sew knit and crochet (Cute plush toys for cute kids)
by far and away my favorite sewing books are the alabama chanin collection of three. her new book is so fantastic i can’t stop bringing it with me wherever i go!