You’ll need:
-scrap of pleather, vinyl or a similar material
-sewing machine
-tiny piece of felt
-glue gun
-pin or clip for the back
1.Start by printing out 6 petal shapes with your pleather or vinyl.
2. Pin a little 1/4″ pleat in each flower petal.
3. Secure with a pin.
4. Sew the pleat in place with a straight stitch.
5. Remove pins and clip threads.
6. Cut out a circle with felt using your pattern piece.
7. Load it up with glue from a glue gun.
8. Put two petals in the glue across from each other.
9. Put two more right next to the first two.
10. Finish by placing the next two on the glue.
11. Glue a button to the middle and a pin on the back and you’re done!