Yesterday I shared my pinwheel pleats dress that I made about 3 years ago. Today I’m sharing the technique to make circular pleated insets. You can do this on anything, I’ll show you how to make it into retro pillow.
You’ll need two colors or prints of fabric. I used a vintage sheet and a solid peach color for the backing and pleats. Cut out 16″ squares. You’ll need two of the front color and one for the back.
Stack the two layers right sides together.Using a big bowl, trace a circle smack dab in the middle of both pieces of fabric.
Pin around the edges and sew along the circle. Then cut into the middle of the circle and cut out the extra fabric.
Use pinking shears to trim the seam allowance.
Then flip one layer into the center of the circle and match the corners.
Press it. You should have a square that looks like this:
For the circle pleat inset, you’ll need a long strip of fabric about 6″ by 60″ The strip I used was 8.5″ wide, but I had too much.
Pleat it around in a circle. The inside pleats should be tight and should lessen as they reach the outside of the circle.
When you get to where you started, just fold under both edges so now raw edges are showing.
Pin the pleats together.
Now, place your circle in the opening and pin it down.
Topstitch around the edge on the front fabric.
Now lay your back piece on top of your front piece, right sides together and sew it up, leaving a hole to insert your pillow.
Push your pillow form inside and pin the opening closed.
Stitch it up with a slip stitch.
I pinned it-thanks!
What a great tutorial! Isn’t it amazing how a design detail on a dress can also be used on a pillow. It just goes to show that interior design and fashion definitely overlap
nice one!! i would use different colours – more ‘full of life’ but the idea is really great!! :)
This is really lovely… you could do so many fabric variations too. Thank you for sharing. Anna x
WOW! You make it look so easy to do with this tutorial that I know I can do it now. Thanks for sharing.
How nice! and that idea so original.
A hug.
Wow, this is a great tutorial. I was searching for donut pillows and ran into this site, but these pinwheel pillows are beautiful!