Perfect length, high waisted, striped and pleated. mmm hmm. outfit= skirt: c/o Shabby Apple; blouse: thrifted; shoes: giftShabby Apple contacted me asking if I'd like to review this skirt, the Teacher's Pet Skirt from their new line Academia. How could I say no? I've been a fan of Shabby Apple for about 2 years, in which time I've managed to collect quite a few of their dresses. Dresses are a little addiction of mine, and their's are just so classy and modest! But I've never owned one of their skirts! This skirt is made with a custom ...Continue Reading
frumpy dumpy three dollar dress: refashioned
Target clearance racks are my friend. I found this dress. That one there on the left. Check out that clearance tag. What! $3.24. Sold. It was a little short, so I bought the biggest one. I peeled back the clearance tag when I got home to find that it was once a swim coverup. I guess that is why it was so cheap. Summer is over. Chambray is a weird fabric for a swim coverup..don't you think? It get's all splotchy when it's wet. I turned it into a dress. So we hopefully won't have that problem. I made a little tutorial for this because you can ...Continue Reading
sewing 101: the sewing bible
I wrote a post about some of my favorite fun sewing books for beginners a while back. Those books are full of fun projects and great things! I love looking through them for inspiration, too. But if I were to recommend just ONE book to seamstresses, I would recommend The New Complete Guide to Sewing, by Readers Digest. It has everything you need to know. Seriously. I don't use everyday, but when I need to know how to do something, anything (the right way) it's there. With clear diagrams and illustrations to make it nice and clear. Some of the ...Continue Reading
lace headband tutorial
a simple diy lace headband lace + elastic + ribbon + glue This is really easy, but really cute! I used a glue gun to get everything together. You can also use a sewing machine. Try it with ric rac, plain ribbon, or just about anything else in your craft room! Have fun! ...Continue Reading
purse week: linen satchel tutorial
Today I'm guest posting today as a part of Christie's Purse Week at her blog A Lemon Squeezy Home! A Lemon Squeezy Home is one of my favorite blogs, everything Christie makes is so fun! I'm happy to be a part of purse week, purses are so much fun to make. Click here to check out the rest of purse week. And if you're visiting from A Lemon Squeezy Home, welcome to see kate sew! I have a little linen satchel tutorial to share with you today. I made mine with some pinstripe linen and some vintage linens(an old sheet!). Lots of ...Continue Reading
DIY fabric covered wreath
It's the first day of fall! My favorite season! I also say that every springtime. But right now, fall is my favorite! I made a little fall wreath to celebrate the season. So, this could probably pass for a spring wreath, too. But that mustard fleece screams fall, right? I think wreaths are the perfect project for meshing fabric + paper. This project is entirely scrap material! All you need is different fabric scraps and some paper leaves. I used cotton strips for the main fabric, a little bit of lace and mustard fleece for the rosettes. I ...Continue Reading
sewing 101: machine needle types
This may be an obvious post for some, but for the very beginning seamstress, this information will save you! I think most of us have come home with a knit fabric and ruined it by sending it through the sewing machine with a regular needle. Fabric determines the needle you should use. Get it right and sewing through anything will be a breeze! I have 4 kinds of needles in my collection. I always buy Schmetz if it is an option. I like the little cases they come in and I have found their quality is excellent.Universal- My normal needles, for normal ...Continue Reading
vintage sheet turned a-line paper bag skirt. tutorial.
Man, my skirt names are so creative. I'm outdoing myself here. I love wearing sheets. The old kind. They are so pretty and lightweight and carefree! Not to mention using the pre-made hem makes this project so fast! And you get some extra pretty detailing built-in, that can only be found on a sheet! I'm going to show you how to make a vintage sheet into a new skirt! I used a full sheet, but you can use a bigger one or regular fabric. Materials: Full size vintage sheet (or a new sheet will work, too!) elastic, 2" smaller than your waist ...Continue Reading
boxy fox plush pattern + tutorial
The sewing room is currently full of foxes! I'm not sure why, but they are so fun to make! I had to make a third forest friend for the hedgehog and the owl, so this fleecy fox plush pattern was born. Today I'll show you how to make your own boxy fox with fleece! Fleece is such a nice fabric to work with when the weather gets cool. It is also just enough amount of stretch to make these foxes the perfect plumpness. With just the right amount of quirky.This tutorial, like all the tutorials you'll find ...Continue Reading
sewing 101: alternate fabric sources
Alternative to the fabric store, that is.Fabric stores are great. But they are also dangerous places for us crafty women. Not to mention lines are sometimes ridiculous and fabric quality is not always top notch. You better believe I have a favorite + perfect + overpriced local fabric store. But...we need to eat. Sometimes. So today I am going to share with you some of my other favorite places to find fabric. These are cheaper and/or just better alternatives for some projects!go look in... Purging your closet might be on your to-do list ...Continue Reading
little button pouch tutorial
Button pouch. Can you see me/my arms in the background? Hi. If you were little me growing up, you could never have enough pouches. I always wondered at the irony of spending money on something to put my money in, like a wallet. But I still felt like I needed the wallet, bag or pouch. It would make me a better collector. I like bags. I also had lots of collections that needed storing. My strangest collection was a collection of bread clips. I always wanted one with my birthday on it. They were going to be some big art project eventually. I ...Continue Reading